Saturday, January 31, 2015

Family photos + babbling baby

On January 17th, Isaac Coffy from Coffy Creations Photography came to our home and took our family photos. Here is the link to the gallery.

Ivory is nearly 6 and a half months old now, and we are enjoying this stage so much. After a couple of months of very, very difficult nights, she's been sleeping incredibly well again for almost a week. During the day she takes a couple of naps, but most of the time she's awake and wanting to play. She hasn't started to crawl yet, but she rolls all around so I can no longer lay her on the floor and expect to find her in the same spot a minute later. I love joining her on the floor, singing and talking to her about her day. She loves to have "conversations" where she babbles in her baby language, and she gets a huge kick out of people talking back to her as though they understand. She had been trying several different solid foods, but she hasn't had any interest when I've offered them lately, so we're back to almost exclusively breastfeeding. No teeth are coming in yet, and her pediatrician suspects none will for awhile. At her 6 month appointment, she was 28" tall and 15 lb 7.8 oz. She's officially off the charts at 99% in height and stays around the 40th percentile in weight.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Baby Ivory is growing, growing, growing. She's working on sitting up -- usually not for more than a minute or two without starting to topple over -- and eating some homemade baby foods. Here is a video from a few days ago:

And here are photos, starting with most recent:

Thursday, December 18, 2014

5 months old

To celebrate Ivory's 5 months, we finally moved her crib out of our bedroom and into her nursery. She slept beautifully for us: 12 hours with 3 brief feedings.