Tuesday, July 22, 2014

She's here!

Ivory Victoria Garcia arrived at 8:50 pm on July 17th, 2014, weighing 7 pounds and 6 ounces, and measuring 20.5" long.

Friday, July 11, 2014

38 weeks & 6 days

Gooood morning!
I went to the doctor for my weekly appointment yesterday evening to find out I'm now 2 cm dilated. He said that she's still head down, my cervix is completely thinned out and soft, and he thought the exam itself may have put me into labor. I was having a contraction immediately after and continued to have them all. night. long. They were very close together but not lasting long enough or hurting bad enough for us to go to the hospital. My back pain was too bad to sleep for awhile, as with each contraction it would tighten and ache, but I eventually fell asleep and although I woke up many times to use the restroom, I managed to sleep for several hours.
As I'm sitting here writing this, I'm chugging a glass of raspberry leaf tea, which is washing down 2,700 milligrams of evening primrose oil, and I've had a few more contractions. Felipe just left for work and he's sure I'll go into full labor while he's gone today, but I'm not so confident. It's good, at least, that I'm getting some of my dilating out of the way... Maybe that'll make for an easier, faster labor?!
I'm super uncomfortable so I think I'll go for a jog or take a nap or something.