Saturday, April 5, 2014

✓ 25 Weeks

Ivory is growing rapidly! We are getting more excited and nervous as each day passes, so anxious to meet our little sweetheart but worried about having everything ready for her.

I went to the doctor yesterday after calling in to tell them I was having what felt like menstrual cramping and intense pressure during urination. To my surprise upon entering the office, a nurse informed me that I was about to have a catheter inserted, in order to obtain a sterile urine sample. She reassured me that I "wouldn't feel a thing other than a little pressure," so while I trembled on the examination table, she tried for about a minute to poke me with that little straw, apologizing over and over that she just couldn't get it to go in. Finally, she gave up and went to get another nurse, who came in and instantly succeeded in her insertion, while I cried like a baby and longed for my husband to be there, growling at them for me.

After they had stripped me of all my dignity, they sent in the doctor, who was shocked by how "red and irritated" I looked, which he apparently thought indicated infection, but was really just because his nurses has just mutilated me like... well, like a pregnant woman getting a catheter, I guess. So he proceeded with a few more extremely uncomfortable procedures, including checking that my cervix was still closed (it was - yay!) while trying to make chit chat as usual, for which I was in no mood. And after all that, the tests came back negative for infection, and it turns out I was just on the verge of dehydration!

Dehydration, you say? That makes sense, since I went to the bathroom 7 times last night and probably lost a gallon of water each time. Turns out I'll have to keep an aquarium beside my bed now, so that I can hop in and swallow the liquids lost on each of those nighttime ventures and avoid anymore painful doctor's visits. Or a water bottle, whichever.

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