Friday, May 9, 2014

Ending the 29th week

It’s that time of the week again: the start of its end, when we get to take a moment to breathe and realize again just how few of these days are left before our pregnancy countdown is ended.  I just glanced at the calendar and it dawned on me that between now and our due date, we have only 10 more Saturdays. Whether we give or take a few from that number, it just doesn’t sound like a whole lot of time to accomplish everything I’d like to before I’m a mama. Before I was pregnant, I used to look around and think those months during which babies are developing in their mothers’ wombs, the mothers themselves are a lot like caterpillars. They’re hairy and roly-poly and it takes them a long time to travel by foot, but when the time is right, a transformation occurs, and no one would ever know they haven’t always been able to fly about with their flashy mothering instincts on display. I also remember wondering often as a small child how in the world parents seemed to just know what their babies were asking for by their cries, and I suspected there was a secret language which only those adults who bravely swallowed watermelon seeds were privy to. Being the youngest sibling, I never actually figured this out (thanks, Mom). I'm afraid, though, that the answer is really going to boil down to experiences and a whole lot of unsureness.

On another note, since the theme of this blog is and has always been pregnancy, I think I may be starting a sister blog with more of a personal growth spin. Much to my disappointment, Growing Garcias was already taken, but Growin’ Garcias wasn’t, and I’m not above a little abbreviation and throwing in a drawl to get my way. I couldn’t justify taking Grownup Garcias since, well, there are several years of living that need to go on before I’m willing to take on that kind of label. Anyway, I’ll provide the link and more details about that in the future, but at this point, I believe Felipe will be a co-author, and we will share posting privileges to write about this and that or nothing at all, and if it ever seems to be monopolized by yours truly, feel free to send some anonymous emails to my husband letting him know how important his contributions really are.


  1. Are you suggesting I told you babies come from swallowing watermelon seeds? If so, you have a false memory. I might have told you that you'd grow a watermelon if you swallowed the seeds, but I never told you that you'd grow a baby!

    1. ... wait, are you telling me this baby isn't coming from the watermelon seed I swallowed last October??

      No, I have a very clear memory of what you told me when I asked you that question, so no worries. I was just keeping the blog G rated, since I'm never the type of over share or post anything remotely controversial.
