Saturday, January 25, 2014

♥ 15 weeks ♥

It's Saturday again, and another week is gone. We will be leaving for our belated honeymoon in three weeks, and when we return, we'll be just one week short of halfway through this pregnancy. It's hard for me to fathom how quickly time has been passing, and so I'm already a little anxious about Baby reaching teenagedom and suddenly deciding we're the least cool, most terrible people on the planet. I might be getting a little bit ahead of myself...

This past week had its ups and downs. Every morning, I'd crawl out of bed, get hit with a sudden bout of nausea, and after I'd stared at the toilet seat for what felt like hours and all of the acid had drained from my pitiful stomach, I'd go eat some breakfast and not get sick for the rest of the day. Usually, one or both of the cats would join me, although I suspect their motive wasn't to comfort but rather to remind me that they, too, needed food. Yesterday was the first day in a long time that I spent my lunch break doing something other than sleeping. In fact, I cleaned the upstairs bathroom and tidied up our living room, which I haven't had the stamina to do in awhile.

I'm getting anxious to feel our little one move around. There's been a lot of random instances of pressure against my lower abdomen, which I think is probably the growing/stretching uterus, but it's fun to imagine that Baby is doing somersaults or playing the air guitar rambunctiously in there. Maybe the walls are like a trampoline, and he/she is just having a blast bouncing back and forth, boingboingboing...

In terms of size, he or she is approximately four inches long and weighs 2.5 ounces. If you're big on fruit representation, we're looking at an apple-sized Baby right now. Now, I think I'll be going to drink some apple juice and switch the load of laundry.

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